Sunday 18 September 2011

How to make your boyfriend happy - the only thing we have to do only one thing you must avoid

!±8± How to make your boyfriend happy - the only thing we have to do only one thing you must avoid

"How do you make your boyfriend happy?"

However, you may ask, finally, the question that was asked of women from the four corners of the world. If it's your first long-term, serious relationship, or is 15, you want it to be satisfactory and meets for you and your friend.

After all, if you only think about how you can be happy in the relationship and you're pushing your husband must be the page, it's just a matter ofTime to go first.

Now here's the bad news - ask your friend who will be happy does not cut it. Why? That's why - men are not emotional beings. They are sex, the raw numbers and facts, rather than use their instincts and "gut feeling" when dealing with different situations.

This is precisely why we ask you not to immediately. They have difficulty dealing with their feelings ... let alone put into words! But this does not mean that there is nothingcan do about it.

Through thousands of polls and interviews with the help of psychologists and doctors report, after all, was to find out what is the number one thing a man is depicted in a report.

How To Make Your Boyfriend Happy - One thing you have A Girlfriend
I think this is simple - a happy girl keeps a friend happy.

You read that right. If you show your husband, how happy you are his friend, he will. NOTyour appearance or your openness about sex (even if these two still do not care). And 'in the final analysis, how you behave when you are together. For a man is his formula to measure how rewarding a relationship, when his friend complimented him smiling, if he is there, etc.

How To Make Your Boyfriend Happy - What should I avoid like the plague
In this sense, there is one thing that is avoided at all costs ... Nag.

Grumble if you make a single mistake and meaningless show thatYou do not know who he is and understand that you are not happy with him. No wonder it annoying is the fastest and most deadly killers of a man's love and concern for a woman.

By the way, did you know that many women their lives and relationships harder than they should be, not important to learn the basics of how men view love, connection, attraction and relationships?

How to make your boyfriend happy - the only thing we have to do only one thing you must avoid

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Sunday 11 September 2011

Poetic devices in Poetry

!±8± Poetic devices in Poetry

Poetry is emotion, images, meaning, beauty, dignity, rhythm, rhyme at times, may contain a different provision of the inversion, and concreteness in its images.

One way the properties of such importance that to achieve poetic words, it is through the use of devices of poetry. We will not begin to cover all known poetic devices or conditions. Rather, we will discuss and use some of the commonly known and used.

Here are the most commonly used poetic devices and terms.We hope that all the examples can better understand some of the ways in which poetry, and more poetic. The examples used are my poetry and are copyrighted in my name.

Devices of poetry (a large sample size):

Alliteration: The repetition of initial sounds.

Rain reigns around all day.

Anger rages from the sky

Partners talk with tears tormented

From clouds wondering why

Lightning tears their souls apart.

In the first twolines, the r sound is repeated. In the third line p starts two adjoining words.

allusion: a casual reference to someone or something in history or literature that creates a mental picture.

A Common Woman

No Helen of Troy she,

Taking the world by war,

But a woman in plain paper wrapped

With a heart of love untapped,

She waits, yearning for her destiny

Whether it be a he on a charger white

Or one riding behind a garbage truck.

Perhaps instead a room of students

Lurks in the shadows of her life

Needing her interest to be shown.

Yet other concerns may call

No, no Helen of Troy she,

But a woman set the world to tame

Wherever she may be.

Helen of Troy brings to mind a woman so beautiful that two countries went to war over her.

analogy: the comparison of two things by explaining one to show how it is similar to the other.

Day's Journey

The day dawns as a Travel.

First, a train leaving the station

Rushing past other places

Without a pause or stop,

Look at the faces blur through the window,

No time to say goodbye.

And the speed of the train

By the end of the line can be seen,

Another sunset down

No lasting memories.

The whole poem makes an analogy to compare a day and a train ride.

Caesura: the pausing or stopping in a line of poetry caused by the necessaryPunctuation.

Living, breathing apathy

Juices, energy, desire, interest,

They leave no desire to win.

All that remains are the ashes,

Ashes of what might have been.

Punctuation within the lines (in this case, all commas) are the turning point, not the punctuation at the end of lines.

enjambment: the continuation of the thought of a verse of a poem to the next without punctuation at the end of the previous line (n).

Looking through the eyes

OfWonder, joy,

The children see their world

With confidence, with hope

The only life will change.

Enjambment at the end of lines 1, 3 and 4 found, because the punctuation is not necessary in those places.

Hyperbole: extreme exaggeration effect.

Giants rising like mountains

High above dwarfs

Bring your gaze on a common basis

For no longer small heights.

Weapons of tree trunks wrapped

Comfort in the soft delicate

Unthoughtthe basis of size,

But the welcome in their strength.

Giants are not really as high as mountains, tree trunks are not weapons, but the use of exaggeration helps the image was created.

Metaphor, for example, the comparison of two unlike things, one is the other.

Sun, hope lights

Flows from Heaven Shop

Bringing smiles of warming grace

Such heavy loads easier.

Clouds are ships in full sail

Race across the sky blue of the sea.

Wind fills theCotton Canvas

Pushing them away from me.

In the first stanza, the sun is compared to hope, as compared to the second, the clouds and ships.

Metonymy: the substitution of a word to one in which they are intimately connected.

Scandals peep from every window,

They hide behind every hedge,

Wait pounce on the unwary,

While the White House creeps in awe.

White House is used in place of the president or the government, and readers to understandwhat is meant without exactly who is being directly addressed.

onomatopoeia: the sound a thing makes

Roaring with the pain

Caused by flashing lightning strikes,

Thunders yells, "Booooom! Craaaashhhh! Yeow!"

Then mumbles, rumbling on its way.

Grrrr, the lion's cry echoes

Through the jungle's den

Causing creatures small

To scurry to their holes.

Roaring, rumbling, cry are not examples of onomatopoeia, but are verb forms. Boooom, craaaashhh are examples onomatapoeia Yeow and grrrrr.

Oxymoron: The use of contradictory terms (together) for the effect.

Freezing heat of hate

Around the heart

Stall, killing kindness

Bringing destruction to departure.

Frost and heat are contradictory opposites, but the two together a mental picture.

Personification: the granting of human characteristics to nonhuman things are not capable of these properties.

He frowns and angergrowls,

Send bolts of fire from darkest night

This brings no gloss

Instead of seeing only black was added.

Frowning and snarling are human traits, can not experience anger, but it needs to function because of problems created from the images.

Parable, for example, the comparison of two unlike things, one is like one or the other.

Sun, as hope turns,

Flows from the heaven of heavens

Bringing smiles of warming grace

On breeze whispers like aSigh.

Clouds are like ships in full sail

Race across the sky blue of the sea.

Wind fills the cotton canvas

Pushing them away from me.

These two verses of poetry and metaphor are almost identical. Both metaphors and similes are comparisons of unlike things, but metaphor states one thing to another, as the parable says that one is like another, or the other.

Symbol: something that represents something other than themselves.

The dove with oliveBranch in its beak,

Slide across the country

Searching for a place to light.

Storms of war linger on every hand,

Throughout the Falcons not to fight.

The dove is a symbol of peace and the hawk is a symbol of war. With them in poetry is a painting, without explaining in detail.

Other terms:

Elegy: a poem of lament (extreme sadness, as caused by the death)

Free verse or a poem without a rhyme or a rhythm, rhyme even though they may be used,only without any reason.

Blank verse: un-rhymed lines of iambic pentameter (ten syllables with all the accented syllables also)

Images: The use of words to create a mental image

Mood: the emotional impact of a poem or story

The understanding and use of this equipment and the conditions can contribute to the strengthening and poetry. Imagery is essential for living the poetry, and the units in the development of visual language.

Poetic devices in Poetry

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Monday 5 September 2011

Step by step instructions for milking the prostate

!±8± Step by step instructions for milking the prostate

The prostate is a gland in the male sex organs. Not found in women. Its primary function is to produce seminal fluid, and also stimulates orgasm in males. The prostate can be affected by diseases, including infectious inflammation or prostatitis and prostate cancer, the second most deadly cancer in American men. Many people recommend milking the prostate regularly as a preventative treatment against prostate cancer and prostatitis.

ProstateMilking is also known as prostate massage. It is a relatively simple procedure, and you can do it yourself if you want. Here are the steps to the prostate milking yourself:

1 Do not urinate or defecate in order to maximize the recovery of the region.

2 Make sure the nails are cut and no sharp edges protrude.

3 Clean the body and hands thoroughly. Then, a sterile latex glove on the hand set. Dab a little 'water-basedLubricant on the fingers.

4 Slide your finger or fingers into the anus. Move them gradually upwards and backwards along the rectum area to the front of the body. Your fingers should move in the direction of your navel.

5 They feel the prostate, as a small round bulb is the size of a large walnut. Massage with a slight swaying motion along the sides, not too much pressure on the central region, wherethe sensitive nerves are located. Avoid touching the prostate gland with your fingernails.

6 It may be an eerie feeling that goes down like a toilet, even if they do not. Try not to leave you, and continue the process.

After 7 minutes, the prostate can be stimulated enough to ejaculate occur. They are also likely to experience sexual pleasure or orgasm. However, the process is not always successfulbring ejaculation.

Prostate milking, when used as preventive treatment carry some risks. This is a technique not for men who have a disease of the prostate or acute prostatitis, acute inflammation of the glandular tissue is recommended. The problem in these cases is that the act of milking the prostate, the infection has spread to other areas of the body.

Step by step instructions for milking the prostate

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