Thursday 25 August 2011

What kind of women, men Thurs Aries How? The five characteristics that are the most desirable woman

!±8± What kind of women, men Thurs Aries How? The five characteristics that are the most desirable woman

Aries men are known to each of his strong leadership skills and personality surprising. These men are more often than not, is the alpha male of the zodiac and not stop at nothing to get what they want. They know how to take control and they are always the leader of the pack. So what exactly you look at a girl? What kind of women men like Ram? He has the personality for you, an exceptional male Aries is difficult for you? Then you have the following SexyTrains. The Aries man will definitely get attracted and seduced uncontrollably from you:

Mysterious. The male Aries loves a challenge and defy all odds, just for you. The more you try to play hard to get, the harder it is going to try to please you. However, if caught, will stop the hunt --- but in any case, you may feel lucky to have him captured. Unpredictable. Intrigue his opinion and not be too transparent with your emotions. The Aries man likes to solvePuzzles and reading between the lines --- like a woman free-spirited and exciting! Do not say yes to every whim --- instead, speak your mind, but also respect his opinions. A strong Ram is looking for a strong woman. Passionate. A charming man and Aries is dominant, which do not give up so quickly --- the devil, who really do not give up. They never leave and always will use all possible means to achieve their goals. They love the obstacles and have fun playing withDanger. A life with an Aries man is always exciting and full of adventure. Independent. Sure, you can be a male Aries totally sweet and romantic --- but do not expect to baby-sit the whole way. You can find intelligent women very attractive and independent, who know what they want and do not always stop to her --- just like her. The ram has a life of joy and very mad, are always positive. They want a woman to assist them in their dreams and passions and encouragemore to be a much better man. Oozing with sex appeal.Here's a secret you should definitely know about Aries men --- they can get pretty rough and wild in bed. Expect mind-blowing lovemaking sessions with the ram --- sex is a very vital need. So learn to build your confidence and ooze with sex appeal. Send him flirty signals and make use of strong body language --- Aries men are sensual lovers and you won't regret hooking up with one. Believe me.

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What kind of women, men Thurs Aries How? The five characteristics that are the most desirable woman

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Ten tips to care for your Betta fish

!±8± Ten tips to care for your Betta fish

Betta fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish are one of the most popular types of fish in homes around the world found. Their vibrant color and active lifestyle seems to be in fish fanatics as well as those who have never had to pull fish. Betta's are relatively easy to treat, and their maintenance is particularly appealing to people who fish, but do not worry too much time would be.

Once you bring your Betta should begin at home, familythemselves with their typical behaviors and movements. If you look at your fish after it had been a bit 'then you know when something is wrong if you do not feel well, or if the water in his bowl is not in the best condition simply by attention.

1 Make sure the jar or bowl that you notice your Betta is large enough so that it is to swim and do not push or pull on the fins and scales. Also be sure there are a lot of space, so that he can never have enoughOxygen.

2 Your Betta is the cleanest water that you care for him flourish. It requires no filtration system, but you should change a third of his water every three days is so fresh and clean and keeps your finned friend against bacterial or fungal infections. Aged water (water that has been off for 24 hours) is what should be used to replace the old water.

3 Keep your betta fish is with another Betta. They are called Siamese fighting fishFish, because, in fact, fighting fish. Will be split between them, often causing the death of at least one fish before they stop. You betta with algae eaters, guppies and catfish corydorus coupled safely.

4 Use a turkey baster to clean small particles of food not consumed or debris from the bottom of the tank or vessel. Taking account of these deposits sit on the floor of the glass will likely result in turbid water to be healthy, and bad odor.

5 The pH of the bathshould be exactly 7.0. You can get a PH test kit at your pet store with solutions to reduce or increase the PH of the water.

When the 6 ', rocks, plants, decorations or clean the bowl you should never have soap on them. It can be very difficult to completely rinse all soap to give these elements and the residue of soap or even kill your Betta. Use clean warm water and a brush rather abrasive for his stuff.

7 Keep your Betta tank, glass or bowl covered! Your betado not want to jump and flop on the table at the end! Keep the water level at least two inches from the top of the tank should also reduce this problem.

8 Your Betta is a meat eater and likes live foods such as brine shrimp the best. Frozen bloodworms are also a good choice for your meat eater. Most Betta fish will be happy to eat the Betta pellets sold at most pet stores. For a special treat from time to time you should offer some live food! You'll have funeat it!

9 It is not decorate your Betta bowl with rocks or marbles that link to Betta that can get stuck between them. Make sure you have a flat, level surface that provides no risk to the health of your fish.

10 Remember that your fish is a living, breathing responsibility. It is necessary to feed, clean and care for your Betta just like any other pet. If you are ill, take him to the vet, if he's hungry to feed him if his house is dirty, cleanit.

That's it! These ten tips for caring for your Betta fish, you'll be well on your way to maintain a healthy fish. Internet Betta Groups or library books can be a great source of information should you want more about your finned friend!

Ten tips to care for your Betta fish

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Friday 5 August 2011

How to tell if a guy you like: looks like you? Why are men so difficult to read?

!±8± How to tell if a guy you like: looks like you? Why are men so difficult to read?

First of all, no matter what your heart tells you or how your mind forces you to think, not obsessed with a guy you can never have. There are so many more fish in the sea, so many people can love that truly deserves your love. It is not always bad for a guy who will never learn to appreciate you. The characters are as follows:

If his candidate for a Booty Call and then did not know during the day.

If he uses them.

If he abusesThem.

If it hurts. For example, he calls you fat. It says playfully tease you, you really feel like garbage.

When he talks about you behind your back. If he starts rumors about you ...

To understand this, guys can be really bad sometimes. Go ahead, if you answered yes to any of these.

Now that we have of the way, here comes the juicy part. As you can tell when a guy you like? You like. The feeling in the stomach, he likes you back. But it is necessarysome substantial evidence. I do not want to enter the type of guys out there, because in the end, there will always be a group of kids who do not have recess in the fall. These suggestions are not foolproof, since human nature is always fickle. So I suggest you read this and use it as a reference and not your bible.

ONE strategy

Ask. He says that you like. Case closed. You're done. But for fear of rejection, it is possible at all? If only it were that simple. I'll tell you. Ask.This will save you a lot of time. If he says no, then it is understandable that he can not and even after that for some time. Therefore, it is he who repents later, when he falls for you in return, I will hang out and stuff ... Maybe not, because if you refuse, it's too embarrassing ... So, what you can do is this ....

"You like me?"


"I knew it, I do not like either." Haha!

"You like me?"

"Yes, as aFriend. "

"I was worried because I thought that I liked as a friend ..." Saved!

Like when you say that you like so that he likes her and not as a friend, then you have only yourself points for your dream man.

Signs that he likes you
He blushes and sweats. You intimidate him.

He stares you. (It can be a stalker, beware)

He does things deliberately to get your attention.

He stammers when he speaks to you.

His pupils dilate whenclosely and you see them ... Beware, pupils dilate when it is dark, mostly.

He is waiting for you. Watch out for you.

He laughs your jokes when no one else does.

He wants to make fun of her, for him to remember and notice him.

He listens and remembers little details really.

He notices slight changes in your appearance.

It seems sad if they ignore it.

It seems jealous when you're with another man. Whoo.

His friends all know, if youI do not know.

He smiles when you smile at him.

Often fixed and if you catch him, he's doing pretty dizzy, very fast!

He works for you sweet. Defends and protects you. It tolerates it will mean for him.

Signs that a player

He is a good orator. He is very comfortable around you.

He puts his hands on them easily.

Every other girl loves him.

Just be careful.

There are many more characters, but,just go with your heart, you take care of themselves and things happen naturally. Should be, it should be.

How to tell if a guy you like: looks like you? Why are men so difficult to read?

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